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Women's Massage

Post Natal Massage
1hr $80 1½ hrs $120

Combining aspects of traditional massage, lymphatic and deep tissue, we work out all the knots and aches left over from pregnancy or caused by labor and those early days of mommy hood.


Pregnancy Massage
1hr $100 1½ hrs $140

This isn't your Mommas Pegnancy Massage. Most places will only give you a light petting, which never acomplishes much. We work with your body to give you the massage you need, whether that is deep work in your poor shoulders, light but firm strokes on that tired low back or gently pushing out that swelling in those tired feet. 

Abdominal Health / Fertility
1hr $110 1½ hrs $150

Combining techniques of traditional Maya Arvigo and Lymph Massage This focuses on the belly with some reflexology and lymphatic work to get the body ready to get pregnant. It helps to balance hormones, strengthen the uterus, relieve PMS and Detox the body

Mayan Pregnancy Massage
1hr $110 1½ hrs $150

A belly massage for the 3rd trimester. this softens and readies the uterus to help prepare for birth and get baby into the optimal positioning. Acupressure and Lymph Massage are also incorporated to help alleviate stress and prepare for labor




Series discounted package rates available


All Women's Massages are available in the office or at your home for a small additional travel charge.



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