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About Jenn


I have been licensed in the state of California to perform massage since 2008. I graduated from California Healing Arts College in Santa Monica, have taken advanced courses in Pregnancy Massage, Maya Arvigo and Lymph Massage and have followed teachers who continue to evolve the field of body work.


I have always been an avid explorer of the healing arts and movement therapy and I strive to pass my experiential knowledge and academic knowledge with all those around me.


have worked with first rate spas in Los Angeles and to expand the depth and scope of my practice I have worked with notable physical therapists, Chiropractors and Acupuncturists in the field of women’s health and injury recovery.I have experience with high risk pregnancy and injury rehabilitation.Through the in depth study of the nature of illness, injury, and whole body anatomy my work has evolved into an ever-increasing energetic approach to body therapy while continuing to encompass a blend of cross-cultural knowledge and awareness.

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